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The Fatal Flaw of Personality Assessments


Does it feel like you’ve been trying to “get clear” forever?

You’ve tried therapy, personality assessments, journalling, reading more self-help “who am I books” than acceptable in one lifetime.

Maybe you’ve had the short-term flashes of clarity that don’t seem to last – each one starting with hope, when you think “I got it!”, only weeks later to be “not rock solid” in a new situation.

And you’re tired of trying to figure it out.

Tired of doing questionnaires.

Tired of thinking about it.

So, why – after all this huge amount of thinking about it and inner work – is it still not clear?

You might wonder....

....isn’t this the one thing you should be an expert on – YOU? 

Your unique value, articulating it powerfully and authentically, and using it to make every decision that you are faced with to create your career as one that is a natural extension of who you are at your core?

The reason you are working really hard but not getting the answer is this:
the fatal flaw of using the wrong tool for the job. 
Personality tests, journalling, therapy, and other tools in themselves are great – but they do not answer the question you are asking, if the question you are asking is “what is my unique genius?”.
A therapist can help you overcome fear, understand how your upbringing has shaped you unknowingly, she might help you understand what success really means to you – is it money, or is that just a story?  Amazing for all of that. 
But, a therapist does not answer the question “what is my unique genius?” in terms of the patterns of who you are at your core that manifest as a benefit, and set you apart. 
A therapist doesn’t guide you in how to use your unique genius to form your career – your Bio, your promotion & tenure documents, a decision grid for each request that comes your direction, etc.

Personality assessments tell you which “box” you fit into, but they do not tell you what your unique genius is.

Strengths assessments tell you what your strengths are, but that is not the same as your unique genius.  Your unique genius is found in the patterns of who you uniquely are at your core, and often do not look like genius at first glance.

Talking to friends, family, mentors, doesn’t tell you what your unique genius is, because they do not have the methodical rigour and process needed to literally uncover your patterns.

Career path guidance doesn’t tell you what your unique genius is.

Spiritual study doesn’t tell you what your unique genius is.

Personal development books don’t tell you what your unique genius is.

There’s nothing wrong with personality assessments, strengths finders, therapy, and all of this work.  They just aren’t designed to answer the question – what is my unique genius?

This is why you’re so tired.

It’s like trying to eat soup with a fork. 

There is nothing wrong with a fork.  Forks are great – we need them for salads, stews, and dipping strawberries into chocolate fondue.

But if you try to eat soup with a fork, you will become exhausted and frustrated and wonder why you are working so hard and still not “getting it”.

It doesn’t mean you are ineffective or you should “keep trying”. 

You are just using the wrong tool.

Professors who are un-messable with, and rock solid, crystal clear on  their unique genius…

  1. Don’t regret their past work to “get clear”, or label it wrong, or a waste of time.  They realize it gave them tools in other areas – just not the tool to do this specific job.  They realize all of that work has helped them in other ways.
  2. They decide to stop trying so hard “eating soup with a fork” and choose the correct tool
  3. They sit back, let go of the past, and pick the right tool for the job


If you are a faculty member and have been trying hard for a long time to “get clear” on your unique genius, and feel tired from all the trying, all the temporary “flashes of insight” that fade away, I encourage you to first allow yourself to rest from the incessant questioning, doubting, wondering, and thinking, thinking, thinking.

Rest for a moment – or several moments. 

Let go of trying so hard. 

Let go of eating soup with a fork. 

In that place of rest, ask –

Do I truly want to know what my unique genius is? 

Do I want to be able to articulate it powerfully, and use it as the compass for my life and career decisions?

If your answer is yes, rest again, and when you are ready, book a Free Breakthrough Call with us.  We will explore, with you, where your gap is, and if this work is right for you.  The call is very clarifying and will give you the clarity and ease to choose for yourself.

On the call, we will get to the source of what is blocking you from crystal clarity, and see what is the right action for YOU to take next, to solve that issue.

The call is 100% free, and there is no catch.

But, it’s not for everyone.

This call is for tenured and tenure-track faculty members who:

  • want to focus your time to be aligned with what you’re good at, what your values are, and your authentic self
  • want to clearly and powerfully articulate who you uniquely are, in a way that is a contribution and benefit to your department, university, and discipline.
  • are tired of trying to “get clear” on your own, and you want this clarity now.
  • are an action taker.  You push through and get the job done.


If this is you, book your Free Breakthrough Call to get clear on the next action step right for YOU.

Schedule My Free Breakthrough Call

If you are a tenured or tenure-track professor who wants to create your career as an extension of who you are at your core, book your free breakthrough call now.

Click Here to Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Call